
Recently created (2017) the organisation is a non-sponsored, independent institution. It provides a forum for development of leadership based on values and the candid exchange of ideas, ideas intended to produce an impact that transcend the conference room and provoke the change the real world requires, change that will mould our future.

Founders: Daniel Martella, Daniel Silveyra, Luis Soage and Cesar Yagüe

Who we are

A group of thinkers, decided to create a centre for strategy and policy whose mission is to define defence policies that can contribute to face and meet the challenges of the XXI century, promoting a space to debate and exchange ideas pertaining to defence and security.

Our motivation is just the genuine intention to convert Argentina into a better place to live. Tabula Rasa is an independent organisation working to prevent future conflicts and to formulate defence policies to work towards a more peaceful and further developed region. 

What we do

We strive to put forward proposals of great national impact with the goal of a promising future

Our Do-Tank It is different from a think tank because our critical-reflection seeks to transform ideas into attainable measures through public policies or multi-pronged projects.

Why Tabula Rasa?

Because we aim to work with the symbol of a Tabula Rasa that implies “an opportunity for a fresh start”      

Our first and foremost working tenet is to “know the context” which is the roadmap to providing sound advice and taking the right decisions. Our work combines analytical capability, extensive knowledge and vast experience to produce changes with positive effects.

Our premises are:

In a polarized, fragmented and dangerous world, our work is ONLY future-focused. War can be avoided since it is the result of man-made actions.

Argentina, and South America as a whole, enjoys an enviable situation where peace and security reign. But this is not going to last forever

Our goal is for political leaders to show interest and get involved in taking the correct decisions to avoid any unnecessary risk to our country, creating a more effective defence system and a more flexible framework for international diplomacy.

Our efforts are urgently needed as the abrupt increase in conflicts cause devastating costs in humanitarian, social and economic domains. Efforts to solve conflicts are complex since the geopolitical map has profoundly changed and the role of non-state actors from religious fanatics to criminal gangs have dramatically increased.